Health is at the heart of all we do because Health IS Safety

Health IS Safety exists to improve the physical and mental health of New Zealand workforces, for a better work environment and to reduce risk of accidents and mistakes.

Incidents, mistakes, and accidents in the workplace are often caused by fatigue, stress, or lack of energy, focus or motivation. This can have devastating impact on people and productivity. ​

We aim to educate and enable staff to improve their health and well-being through daily practices, eating, breathing and knowledge. Through customised training programs and tools we believe we can empower people to make sustainable changes, resulting in long-term health and a better quality of life. 

Meet the founder: Tracey Steele N.D.

Health IS Safety was started by Tracey Steele N.D. She is a qualified health expert with over 20+ years of clinical experience.

As an ex-operator of heavy machinery, ​Tracey cares about passing on essential health information to the workers of core domestic and export industries, which are the backbone of New Zealand's infrastructure.

Book an onsite visit or video call to understand how we can work with your team to implement, maintain and improve the health status of everyone in your company.

We will carry out a company health assessment in order to tailor-make a series of workshops to suit your specific needs.




"As an ex-machine operator, and now health expert, I fully grasp the importance of instilling health in the minds of each and every worker in our country."

— Tracey Steele N.D

"A driver who takes 1,000 more steps, smokes 10 less cigarettes or eats fewer calories per day will make great strides in the right direction." 

— Ali John, Manager Corporate Wellness, Global Transporter, Werner Enterprises

"Drivers who become more aware of personal health & take steps toward living a healthier lifestyle will improve their fitness, morale, productivity and attitude."

— Ali John, Manager Corporate Wellness, Global Transporter, Werner Enterprises.

"All great take-home tips, easy to use and pass on to the whanau”

— Client review

"I’ve learned that symptoms are the end result. Tracey's lectures have shown me that lifestyle creates symptoms. Getting the foundations of our body correct, eating, breathing, sleeping, etc. is fundamental to good health."

— Client Review

Nationwide workshops personalised to
your company’s current health status